

Three students are working independently on their Stat 110 problem set. All three start at 1pm on the day the pset is due, and each takes an Exponential time with mean 6 hours to complete the homework.

What is the earliest time when all three students will have completed the homework, on average?

Counting Cars

Cars pass by a certain point on a road according to a Poisson process with rate λ\lambda cars/minute. Let NtPois(λt)N_t \sim Pois(\lambda t) be the number of cars that pass by that point in the time interval [0,t][0, t], with tt measured in minutes.

A certain device is able to count cars as they pass by, but it does not record the arrival times. At time 0, the counter on the device is reset to 0. At time 3 minutes, the device is observed and it is found that exactly 1 car had passed by.

Given this information, find the conditional CDF of when that car arrived. Also describe in words what the result says.

In the late afternoon, you are counting blue cars. Each car that passes by is blue with probability $b$, independently of all other cars.

Find the marginal PMF of the number of blue cars and number of non-blue cars that pass by the point in 10 minutes.

Find the joint PMF of the number of blue cars and number of non-blue cars that pass by the point in 10 minutes.

Normal Moments

Let X1N(μ1,σ12)X_1 \sim N(\mu_1, \sigma_1^2) and X2N(μ2,σ22)X_2 \sim N(\mu_2, \sigma_2^2).

Use the MGF to show that for any values of a,b0a, b \not= 0, Y=aX1+bX2Y = a X_1 + b X_2 is also Normal. (You may use the fact that the MGF of a N(μ,σ2)N(\mu, \sigma^2) distribution is eμt+12σ2t2e^{\mu t + \frac{1}{2}\sigma^2 t^2}.)

Let ZN(0,1)Z \sim N(0, 1) and Y=eZY = e^Z. Then YY has a LogNormal distribution (because its log is Normal!).

Find all the moments of YY. That is, find E(Yn)E(Y^n) for all nn.

Show the MGF of YY does not exist, by arguing that the integral E(etY)E\left({e^{tY}}\right) diverges for t>0t > 0.

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