Section 9
Conditional Expectation, LLN, and CLT (BH Chapter 9)
Conditioning on an Event - We can find the expected value of Y given that event A or X = x has occurred.
This would be finding the values of E(Y|A) and E(Y|X = x). Note that conditioning in an event results in a number. Note the similarities between regularly finding expectation and finding the conditional expectation. The expected value of a dice roll given that it is prime is . We are still taking an average.
Conditioning on a Random Variable - We can also find the expected value of Y given the random variable X. The resulting expectation, E(Y|X) is not a number but a function of the random variable X. For an easy way to find E(Y|X), find E(Y|X = x) and then plug in X for all x. This changes the conditional expectation of Y from a function of a number x, to a function of the random variable X.
Law of Total Expectation
This is an extension of the Law of Total Probability. For any set of events that partition the sample space (simplest case being {, }):
Properties of Conditional Independence
Independence - if X and Y are independent, then as conditioning on gives us no additional information about :
Taking out what’s Known - If we are finding the expectation that involves some function of and we're conditioning on , then we can treat as a constant because is known.
Linearity - We have linearity in the first term:
Law of Iterated Expectation (Adam’s Law) - For any two random variables X, Y,
We can prove the law of iterated expectation with the law of total expectation. Let since is a random variable. Then,
You can also do Adam's Law with extra conditioning:
Eve’s Law - For any two random variables X, Y:
Both and are functions of the random variable .
Law of Large Numbers (LLN)
Let us have be i.i.d.. We define The Law of Large Numbers states that as , .
Central Limit Theorem (CLT)
Approximation using CLT: We use to denote is approximately distributed. We can use the central limit theorem when we have a random variable, Y that is a sum of n i.i.d. random variables with n large. Let us say that and . Then,
When we use central limit theorem to estimate , we usually have or . Specifically, if we say that each of the have mean and , then we have the following approximations.
Asymptotic Distributions using CLT: We use to denote converges in distribution to as . These are the same results as the previous section, only letting and not letting our normal distribution have sany terms.
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